If you are wanting to put the screens down and have some one-on-one time with your little people, feel the fresh air on your face and spend some quality time together? Look no further; we have some great indoor and outdoor activities below that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Being outside, exploring, using their imaginations and having fun is really what childhood memories are built upon, as well as development.
Is someones Birthday coming up?
One of our favourite things to do at Aster & Oak HQ is DIY cards, envelopes and decorations. Not only is it eco-friendly but a whole lot of fun! You could use magazines, coloured paper and old birthday cards to repurpose them into special, unique handmade cards.
Go on a scavenger hunt
Make a list with your little people and then head outdoors to look for pine cones, acorns, and other common outdoor items and tally who found the most pieces. So fun!
Sprinkle kindness like confetti
If there is something we can all appreciate its kindness. Why not get the tribe together and visit a nursing home with some of your homemade decorations or cards. You could also bake some cupcakes to take to your local hospital or fire station. Head to a homeless shelter with some goodies or a care package for those less fortunate. Spreading a little kindness on throughout the year to our fellow humans is always a lovely idea.
Make some Playdoh - Its fun for any age!
For this fun little number, I make a large batch of playdoh, split it in a few balls and get the kids to add different things to each batch. You can even use some essential oils for a touch of scent.
Have a backyard campout
Dust off the camping gear. Set up a tent, your camping chairs and bring out a few of your favourite snacks and organize a full day of activities outside. There are so many possibilities! You can have a picnic, read books, camp overnight if the weather is nice, and let their imaginations run wild with possibilities.
Explore your local neighbourhood
Another favourite family pastime of ours is getting out and about in our local neighbourhood. Spotting local wildlife, flowers, riding our bikes and enjoying the fresh air together as a family. Sometimes simple is the most fun.
Go on a flower hunt
Get outside in the fresh air and go hunting for some beautiful flowers. There is nothing like a bunch of fresh flowers to brighten up a room. You can even get creative and dry them out for some of your craft projects.
Head to the beach
The beach is a world of possibilities when you’re younger. You have swimming & sandcastles but have you ever gone hunting for crabs or explored some of your local beach caves? We’re lucky enough to have some great little hidden caves near us and this is one of our favourite family activities.
Make an obstacle course
This one is sooo much fun to do and the only limit is your imagination. You can use anything you have on hand, old toys, hula hoops, the sky is the limit. Encourage your little ones to help with setting up in a fun and challenging way.
Bake some cookies
Put the small of baking in the air with some home made cookies. Some of my favourite time spent with my little ones is in the kitchen getting messy. Pick your favourite cookies dough recipe with some shaped cutters on hand and you'll be good to go. Don’t forget the icing for decorating.
Spend quality time together
Pick one of your favourite family activities that you don’t always get around to and enjoy the day together. You could have a picnic at your favourite park. Play your favourite board game or outside game together with our make everyone’s favourite meal and let the kids get involved. Make your own pizza night is one of our faves!
What are some of your favourite inside and outside activities? We'd love to know.